So it’s your job to choose the destination and prepare the private event abroad, whether it be marriages, engagements or that big birthday bash!
Security is the last thing on your mind to consider, you’re never going to factor in your own additional security measures, why would you, you’re selecting a beautiful villa in a beautiful place and only the celebrities have private security guards at their homes right?
Unfortunately statistics show that high profile crime on luxury homes and private properties across Europe is evolving and professional criminal gangs are establishing new-sophisticated methods to attack private premises. So here’s just 5 of our very basic top tips on “what to do and what not to do” when hiring a private luxury villa or private complex’s this summer.
Top tip Number 1)
A very common first move mistake is accepting a deal that’s true good to be true, glossy fake websites often offer exceedingly good rates on luxury properties, who will take your deposit and then close down the webpage and cut off the phone lines long before you arrive. These offers can also make their way on to more established broker websites, so never assume just because its appeared on a brokers page means that it’s definitely a real offer.
It’s highly important to work directly with well known and well recommended owners and agents when dealing abroad. Working directly with established major agents also puts you in the hands of their team so if there are any last minute changes of any kind the company will still look to accommodate you some how, or at least pay you back rather than you realising at last minute that you are in fact a victim of a scam and finding your self stranded at the airport in a busy summer season with no one else to blame but your self.
Top tip number 2)
Finally you chose your amazing villa with a well established agent, the suspense must be killing you by now for not showing off your great choice of destinations to your friends and family on social media, it’s very important to keep hold of that suspense for a little longer and do not disclose your chosen property on line to for the world to see.
Professional thieves at luxury destinations research social media constantly looking for leads, they know all the best villa layouts and real estates off by heart and if you disclose as much as a picture of the pool area, a fancy front door way or private path leading to a beach this could be all they need to pin exactly where you will be at that time.
Top Tip number 3)
When you and your guests arrive at the airport and make your way to your property or generally taxing around during your stay it’s highly important for you and your guests not to use any unknown or unlicensed(pirate) taxi firms. Giving your properties location away to Illegal or pirate taxi drivers could be the worst and only mistake you need to make to become a victim of a villa robbery. Ensure you only use fully registered local taxis recommended to you by your agent or research the areas on line to find out what company legally operates in the area. Or use highly recommend, fully licensed private chauffeur companies.
Top tip Number 4)
When you arrive at your chosen property you will be met with a agent who will probably want a deposit of some sort and request a signature or two, as keen to get rid of them as you are and as keen they are to leave, you must use this opportunity and use it wisely, always request a full demonstration of security systems in place including all the window locks, door locks and the security alarm system, then test it in front of the agent.
Once happy make a note of any instructions and hide it away so you can remember it later. Always use the security systems that are available at that property, they are there for a reason, remember that, remember to lock up correctly and you will significantly increase your own personal security the security of your guests.
Top tip Number 5)
Unless your property is holding a public party or a social event and it’s purely to live in luxury during your stay you must be very wary of inviting people back to your property. This includes the Friendly guy who offered you tickets on the beach, nine times out of ten the thieves are temporarily based in the area waiting for opportunities like you. Once the thieves know your location they will then begin to plan the attack waiting for an opportunity when everyone is out or sleeping.
I hope you have enjoyed these five top tips on how to improve your villa rental security and hopefully this will significantly decrease your chances of becoming a victim of a holiday nightmare.
Colin J.Eastaway
Protective Security consultant & director at Private Security Ibiza Ltd.